
Answering Your Top Questions About Lumberjack Feud in Pigeon Forge

aerial view of lumberjack feud in pigeon forge
April 23, 2024

If you’ve never seen our show before, you may have some questions about it. We want to answer as many of your questions as possible about our unique Pigeon Forge show! Keep reading to discover the answers to your most-asked questions about Lumberjack Feud in Pigeon Forge:

1. When is Lumberjack Feud open?

underhand chop

We are open 7 days a week seasonally, and show times are at 2 PM, 5 PM, and 8 PM. Show times vary depending on the day, so we recommend checking out our show schedule for the exact times of our shows during your Smoky Mountain vacation.

2. Do I need to book tickets in advance?

You can buy tickets at the box office when you arrive at Lumberjack Feud in Pigeon Forge. However, we recommend purchasing tickets in advance to get the day and time you want. You can call the box office and order tickets over the phone or book tickets online. Save $5 when you buy tickets online!

3. How long is the Lumberjack Feud Show?

Each Lumberjack Feud show is about 90 minutes long. Please arrive 45 minutes before showtime, so you have plenty of time to get your meal and find a seat. You can visit the Lumberjack Square shops before or after you watch the show for even more fun!

4. Are there assigned seats?

No, we don’t have assigned seats in our outdoor grandstand theater. You may sit wherever you want! Our bench seating with a climate-controlled overhang protects the audience from the heat of the sun or the rain.

5. Is the theater wheelchair accessible?

crowd at lumberjack feud

We want to make sure guests with disabilities feel just as welcome and enjoy our show just as much as any other guest. Our theater has wheelchair-accessible seating to accommodate our guests. Due to space limitations, we can’t guarantee families or groups will be able to sit together with their disabled friend or family member, so we encourage you to arrive early to ensure availability.

6. Is Lumberjack Feud a dinner show?

Lumberjack Feud in Pigeon Forge is a dinner show! We serve a traditional Southern supper with BBQ pulled pork, mac & cheese, baked beans, a roll, warm apple cobbler, and a drink. Our small concessions stand also offers fresh popcorn and other snacks and drinks!

7. Is audience participation for children only?

While we are proud to be a kid-friendly attraction in Pigeon Forge, anyone may participate in the interactive portions of our show! Don’t feel obligated to participate, though. It’s completely voluntary! We only ask that you cheer as loud as you can for the family you choose to root for– will you be Team Dawson or Team McGraw?

8. What is the weather policy?

If you’re afraid bad weather will make you miss the Lumberjack Feud Show, it won’t! Our show still goes on whether it’s sunny, raining, or snowing. The only time we will cancel is if we are concerned for the safety of the lumberjacks and lumberjills.

9. Are there any discounts for Lumberjack Feud?

lumberjacks and a double saw

Yes, we offer a 25% discount to veterans and first responders who provide a valid ID (must be booked in person at the box office or over the phone).

We hope we answered your questions about Lumberjack Feud in Pigeon Forge. Are you ready to experience our supper show? Book your tickets today!